Shapur Khatami

Shapur, Hatami (1924-1998)

Notable classical Persian tar instrumentalist. Born into a noble family of high-class musicians, he studied with ‘Abd al-Husayn Shahnazi and in 1943 began performing on Iranian National Radio. While working in the police department, he also performed at the orchestras conducted by Vafadar and Khalidi. Accompanied by ‘Ali Tajvidi and Marziya, he performed on the first Golha-yi rangarang programme number 100 as an instrumentalist for the song entitled Suratgar-i Naqqash-i Chin (Chinese Portrait Painter) composed by Shayda. His performances on the tar are only available on gramophone records; these include Chahar-mizrab-i Dashti (Tehran: Iran Record 1974).