Play (00:00 - 00:06)
Announcers: Radio announcer
Play (00:06 - 00:24)
Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Attributed to ‘Attar (Qasida/Qasida)
Play (Dashti) (00:24 - 01:56)
Musicians: 'Ahmad ‘Ibadi (Sitar)
Play (Dashti) (01:56 - 02:19)
Musicians: 'Ahmad ‘Ibadi (Sitar) Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Habib Khurasani (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (02:19 - 03:44)
Musicians: 'Ahmad ‘Ibadi (Sitar)
Play (Dashti) (03:44 - 04:06)
Musicians: 'Ahmad ‘Ibadi (Sitar) Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Habib Khurasani (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (04:06 - 07:41)
Musicians: 'Ahmad ‘Ibadi (Sitar)
Play (07:41 - 08:09)
Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Razi al-Din Artimani (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (08:09 - 08:20)
Musicians: Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin) Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Razi al-Din Artimani (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (08:20 - 09:14)
Musicians: Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin)
Play (Dashti) (09:14 - 10:05)
Musicians: Amir Nasir Iftitah (Zarb/Dunbak) ; Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin)
Play (Dashti) (10:05 - 10:26)
Musicians: Amir Nasir Iftitah (Zarb/Dunbak) ; Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin) Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Habib Khurasani (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (10:26 - 11:20)
Musicians: Amir Nasir Iftitah (Zarb/Dunbak) ; Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin)
Play (Dashti) (11:20 - 18:27)
Musicians: Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin) Singer of the Avaz: Gulpayigani Poet of poem sung (Avaz): Rahi Mu‘ayyiri (Ghazal) First hemstitch of the poem sung (Avaz): tu suz-i ah-i man ay murgh-i shab chih midani
Play (Dashti) (18:27 - 18:37)
Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Rahi Mu‘ayyiri (Ghazal)
Play (Dashti) (18:37 - 25:43)
Musicians: Habibu’llah Badi’i (Violin) Singer of the Avaz: Gulpayigani Poet of poem sung (Avaz): Rahi Mu‘ayyiri (Ghazal) First hemstitch of the poem sung (Avaz): tu suz-i ah-i man ay murgh-i shab chih midani
Play (25:43 - 26:03)
Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Fakhr al-Din ‘Iraqi (Ghazal)
Play (26:03 - 00:00)
Announcers: Anon.