Play (00:00 - 00:07)
Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani
Play (Humayun) (00:07 - 01:05)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaComposer of the song: ‏Shayda Arrangers: ‏Javad Ma‘rufi
Play (Humayun) (01:05 - 01:26)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaAnnouncers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Khwaju Kirmani (Ruba‘i)
Play (Humayun) (01:26 - 02:09)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi Gulha
Play (02:09 - 02:39)
Announcers: ‏Azar Pazhuhish Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Fakhr al-Din ‘Iraqi (Ruba‘i)
Play (Humayun) (02:39 - 03:41)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi Gulha
Play (Humayun) (03:41 - 04:00)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaAnnouncers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Fakhr al-Din ‘Iraqi (Ruba‘i)
Play (Humayun) (04:00 - 06:05)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi Gulha
Play (Humayun) (06:05 - 06:31)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaAnnouncers: ‏Azar Pazhuhish Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Khwaju Kirmani (Ruba‘i)
Play (Humayun) (06:31 - 07:17)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi Gulha
Play (Humayun) (07:17 - 09:57)
Musicians: Riza Varzanda (Santur)
Play (Humayun) (09:57 - 13:34)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaSinger of the Avaz: Gulpayigani Poet of poem sung (Avaz): Habib Khurasani (Ghazal) First hemstitch of the poem sung (Avaz): har shab man u dil ta sahar dar gusha-yi maykhanaha
Play (Humayun) (13:34 - 14:45)
Musicians: Riza Varzanda (Santur)
Play (Humayun) (14:45 - 17:20)
Musicians: Riza Varzanda (Santur) Singer of the Avaz: Gulpayigani Poet of poem sung (Avaz): Habib Khurasani (Ghazal) First hemstitch of the poem sung (Avaz): har shab man u dil ta sahar dar gusha-yi maykhanaha
Play (Humayun) (17:20 - 18:43)
Musicians: Riza Varzanda (Santur)
Play (Humayun) (18:43 - 22:00)
Musicians: Riza Varzanda (Santur) Singer of the Avaz: Gulpayigani Poet of poem sung (Avaz): Habib Khurasani (Ghazal) First hemstitch of the poem sung (Avaz): har shab man u dil ta sahar dar gusha-yi maykhanaha
Play (Humayun) (22:00 - 22:25)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaComposer of the song: ‏Shayda Arrangers: ‏Javad Ma‘rufi
Play (Humayun) (22:25 - 26:42)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaComposer of the song: ‏Shayda Announcers: ‏Azar Pazhuhish Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Bizhan Taraqqi (Ghazal)
Play (Humayun) (26:42 - 27:35)
Musicians: Orchestra-yi GulhaComposer of the song: ‏Shayda Announcers: ‏Nur al-Din Sabit Imani Poets whose poems are declaimed in the program: Anon.
Play (27:35 - 00:00)
Announcers: Radio announcer