Ahmad Khan Gilani

Khan Ahmad Gilani (1536-1597), a poet with the nom de plume Ahmad and one of the last Kayanid rulers of Lahijan. His father was first a follower of the Zaydiyya School, but he converted to Twelver Shi’ism. Khan Ahmad was interested in poetry, philosophy, astronomy, and music and his court was frequented by scholars and poets. He was imprisoned for a while under the Safavid Shah Tahmasb, but he was released after the Shah’s death and resumed his rule in Gilan. When Shah ‘Abbas intended to conquer Gilan, Khan Ahmad fled to Iraq and died in the Ottoman territory. His court hosted the greatest of assemblies for scholars and poets. His works include his Divan and Munsha’at (Epistles).

Asar-Afarinan (2/ 314); Farhang-i A’lam-i Sukhan (1/ 635-636).