Rahib Tabataba’i (Na’ini)

Rahib Tabataba’i Isfahani, Mirza Muhammad Ja’far (d. 1166), a poet, hailing from the Tabataba’i Sayyids, and a great grandson of Mirza Rafi’a-yi Na’ini. Hailing from Na’in, Isfahan, his line of descent from his mother’s side traces back to Sultan al-‘Ulama’ Khalifa Sultan. He traveled to India, but returned to Iran after a while. He was buried in the Ab-bakhshan Cemetery, in the vicinity of Bidabad. His works include Nadir Shah Nama, in verse, and the Divan of his poetry.

Asar-afarinan (3/ 88); Tazkira-yi Sukhanvaran-i Yazd (142).