‘Inayat Isfahani

‘Inayat Isfahani, Mir ‘Abd al-Wahhab Ma’muri (b. 1620), a poet with nom de plume ‘Inayat from notable sayyids of Isfahan. He was well-versed in different disciplines, particularly book keeping and arithmetic. Having departed for India, he was appointed a governor and also served for a while as the chief of the chancery of Prince Sultan Parviz. He resigned from his office in 1615 and presided over the chancery of the Sirhidn province and other regions. Taqi al-Din Awhadi met him in Agrah in 1620. His compositions include a mathnawi in the meter of Nizami Ganjawi’s Farhad u Shirin; and his divan of poetry in the forms of ghazal and qasida in roughly 5,000 couplets.

Farhang-i Sukhanvaran (656).